Except for the horseback riding, we also signed up for the compulsory schooner trip in Paraty. Six hours on the boat with stops at various islands and beaches. Hours of snorkelling and food, fresh fruit and drinks in between the swims - hard to find a more relaxing way to spend a day.
I’ve always known that I possess about zero skills when it comes to holding my breath and even more evident when combined with water (hard to cheat with just fluids around you…not that I would ever cheat though...). But I don’t think I’ve ever realised that it was that bad…man, I’ve got some major missions to deal with here. To my defence, it’s kind of hard to get even close to an acceptable level when the only people you know on the boat are two old swimmers, who both have tried under water rugby and one has got a free diving certificate even. However, my performance last Sunday wouldn’t even have lived up to the baddaren requirements. If I managed to get down deep enough for my hair and bum not to touch the surface, it was a struggle to stay down long enough for the camera to both focus and take a picture. And the exercises to lie flat on the bottom – forget about it! No way I’ll try to empty my lungs from air…what’s my body then supposed to use?
All in all, Paraty made an excellent impression, nice, quiet, picturesque, cachaça stores in every corner and no need to bring the high heels, unless you want to twist your ankles on the cobble stones. This Jack Sparrow guy was a bit scary though. He had an ambitious outfit and make-up for sure, and I have nothing to complain about regarding his posing on the old canons by the waterfront - but a bit scary still. Everywhere we went he seemed to pop out from his box. Morning, midday, evening, in the village, at the pier, on the beach - everywhere and all the time. Does this guy never sleep or was that last golden medallion never returned to the chest? We never managed to get his business idea either really, so whatever he was trying to do, he needs a PR guru to sort that bit out I think. Or perhaps we just need to replace the 65+ German tourists with some families, and he would make a fortune of having his picture taken with their children.By the way, the Caipirinha lady is still going strong…also in a literal meaning when it comes to her drinks. Spite the slightly decreased number of people crowding the streets of Lapa after the main tourist season seems to be over, she’s still there. And the lime beauties she makes are still the best in town.